Breathe & Breakthrough

Overfull inboxes, relentless notifications, endless texts, calls, meetings…

Do you ever wish you could just

If you’ve ever felt like you’re drowning in busywork, chaos, and clutter…this one’s for you.

What would it be like to feel like you’re actually on top of things - not always scrambling to catch up and rushing to get things done?

Imagine waking up feeling excited about your day and going to bed each night feeling fulfilled and content, hardly ever having to fight the feeling like you’re missing out on something or that you could make SO MUCH progress if only

 If this sounds amazing, I have something for you…


A 21-day stress-free challenge that focuses on the intersection of life & business.

I’ll help you easily cut through the chaos and clutter to bring peace, contentment, and a feeling of fulfillment into your everyday life.

 What’s Included

Breathe & Breakthrough Challenge

  • Daily access to our 21-day challenge

  • Private Podcast to access all of the trainings on the go

  • BONUS - Lifetime access to The Goal: Accomplished Workshop


What we’ll cover

  • We’ll dig into any negative counter-mindsets that may be lurking beneath the surface and holding you back and replace them with positive practices that will boost your confidence and abundance.

  • Once you have the foundations established within yourself, we’ll reflect those breakthroughs in your environment. This is where we’ll declutter and streamline your home and office.

  • We’ll then focus on your relationships - who you are surrounding yourself with, positive networking practices, and how to cultivate healthy relationships in your life.

This is for you if…

  • Your daily schedule has you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and like you don’t have enough time in your day

  • You KNOW where you can take your business, but you are frustrated because you don’t have the time or mental bandwidth to get it there as fast as you would like

  • You sometimes wish the world could just pause and let you rest

  • You want to find alignment between your business and personal lives

  • You want to feel peaceful, calm, and in control amidst the chaos of life

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each day, you’ll receive a new short audio training to dive into!

  • The training are all under 15 minutes, and some are only a few minutes long. They’re easily consumable along with everything else you’re doing in your day-to-day life!

  • The trainings are all audio. You can either listen on the platform or you can add the feed to your favorite podcast platform. There are also transcripts, if you prefer to read!

  • You’ll have lifetime access….but don’t let that security convince you to put off doing the work! You’ll make the most progress if you jump in and commit for a full 21 days. Then, if you want, you can repeat the full challenge or focus on specific days :)

  • Send me a quick email at and we’ll get you sorted out!