The (bike) path to success

The other day, we went down to the bike path for a ride.

This bike path is one of my favorite parts about living in this area. Whether you're walking your dog, training for a triathlon, or cruising with your toddler, it's the perfect place to go (complete with various restaurants, ice cream parlors, and bakeries along the way to help you keep up your stamina...).

As I passed walkers and slower bikers, and then was in turn passed by other faster bikers (and one person absolutely killing it on rollerblades...), I couldn't help but think about how similar it was to comparing ourselves to others on the business front.

When I was first starting out in my business, I would see my friends and cohorts hitting these amaaaazing goals and would feel two things:

1) I would feel happy for them.

And 2) I would instantly feel bad that I wasn't there with my business. I'd worry that there was something wrong with me. And that maybe it just wasn't possible for me.

Ah, the dreaded comparisonitis.

The truth is, though, that you don't know someone's backstory. They might be on chapter 23 of their story and you might be on chapter 3 of yours. And I guarantee there's someone just getting started with their story looking at you and all you've accomplished and wondering if they'll ever get there.

Bike with pink hat and a basket of wine and bread

Usually, "overnight successes" are more like 10 years in the making.

When comparisonitis hits, the best thing to do is to focus on your path. If there's someone who happens to be on your same path but is further along than you, use them as inspiration. Something to aspire to.

(And if there's someone on the same path behind you, don't forget how much of an inspiration you are to them!)


Olivia "10-Speed" Radcliffe


When the day is done…

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    There are two types of people in the world


    Sunny days