The importance of holding space for your clients

“Can you come be by me?”

Those were the sweet little words from my 3-year-old last night after he had a bad dream.

He didn’t need me to get him a drink, or check under his bed, or even really for me to cuddle him. He just wanted me to be there with him. 

Sometimes, that’s what we’re looking for in a coach. More often than not, we know what’s wrong and what we need to do (albeit sometimes that knowledge is deep down 😜). We don’t really need someone else to tell us. 

But it’s reassuring to have someone there, nonetheless. Someone who can hold space for us, keep us on the right path if we start to get distracted, and support us on the ups and downs of our journey. 

And often that’s something that gets overlooked in our OWN offers. We tend to think we need to be “on” all the time for our clients, doing all of the things for them. When, sometimes, what they’re really craving is someone to be there with them as they work through things. 

Here are some ways to hold space for your clients, without it being a huge time commitment on your end:

White flower in a vase with the word l"ove"

Send a quick check-in message

A simple text message or email to check in on your client's progress or offer words of encouragement can go a long way. It shows that you are thinking about them and can boost their motivation and remind them that you are there to support them.

Celebrate milestones

When your client reaches a milestone, achieves a goal, or has a success, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate it! Send them a message, tell them how proud you are, or even share their successes publicly (with their permission, of course). This will really help to boost their confidence and build up momentum to carry them to the next milestone.

Remind them of their strengths

In moments of self-doubt or when faced with the myriad of obstacles that might come their way, remind your clients of their strengths and past successes. You could even create a “hype file” with all of their achievements and the progress they have made with you, and share it with them as needed. By highlighting their capabilities and resilience, you can inspire and encourage them to persevere through difficult times.

Share resources

As you come across articles, books, podcasts, or other resources that may be helpful to your clients, share them with them! This shows how interested and invested you are in their growth, as well as supporting them on their journey.

Ask open-ended questions

The next time you’re talking with your client, whether on a call/voice chat/email, ask them open-ended questions about their goals, challenges, or decision-making. By prompting them to think deeply and critically, you empower them to explore their own solutions and gain clarity.

So your thought to ponder for the day…. Are you holding space for your clients? What little ways are there for you to show them that you support them, that wouldn’t lead to you overgiving or breaking your boundaries?

Until next time xx



When the day is done…

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