Too much?

The other day I went out to eat with family to celebrate my birthday.

We decided to check out a new local Southern-inspired restaurant. Fried chicken, homemade biscuits, and alllll the pie you can eat... my foodie soul was super excited!

But, in the words of my toddler, I'm sorry to report it was actually pretty "yucky."

Everyone bit into their biscuits at the same time, and we each looked up with the same look on our faces. What WAS that??? 🤢

I had been looking forward to just a simple hot buttermilk biscuit. But what I got was something also flavored with bourbon and tobacco and any number of other flavors...

It was just too much.

Sometimes, in our business lives, we can get caught up in the belief that more is better.

More ways to work with us, more bonuses, more payment plans, more, more, more.

But the reality is that sometimes simple is better.

Yoga figurine and candle that says namaste

When our customers buy something from us, they're not actually buying the THING. They're buying the transformation that the thing provides.

If you could accomplish a goal of yours in 20 minutes with one simple training video, or in 12 weeks with a full on course of 50 different videos and 5 bonuses, which would you prefer?

I'm a busy woman. I'll take the tranformation in 20, please.

Your question for reflection for the day - are you offering simple biscuits to your audience, or are things getting a bit too much?

Talk soon!

Olivia "Keep it Simple" Radcliffe


When the day is done…

…the kiddos are in bed, and you're snuggled up with some tea (or wine...mama's choice), join me in your inbox for business and marketing tips plus a sneaky peak behind the scenes of my life as a mompreneur with multiple businesses and a toddler.

We'll laugh together, we'll cry together...sometimes all at the same time... But the key is we're in this together.

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